Donor-Advised Fund Contribution FAQs
Will I receive a tax receipt for this contribution?
Within one week of your donation, you will receive an email tax receipt at the email address used when making your donation. Please keep the tax receipt for your records.
How will this contribution appear on my statement?
This transaction will appear as " ThrivntCharitable” on your bank or credit card statement.
Is there a minimum or maximum contribution I can make?
You can give any amount between $100 and $500,000 per contribution.
When will my contribution be deposited into the selected fund?
Your contribution will be deposited to your selected fund within 5-7 business days.
Can this contribution be refunded to me?
Like any tax-deductible charitable donation, once my donation has been deposited into the selected fund it cannot be canceled or returned.
Additional questions?
Please email or call 800-365-4172.