With over $1,000,000 of investments to end family violence and in partnership with
- Since its pilot in 2010, the program has been successfully executed in six U.S. cities, training 470 people and 140 churches, as well as delivered 50 webinars.
- Over 71% of participants state their church is now actively working to address domestic violence and child abuse.
- After attending the training, 93% report it has raised their awareness of the prevalence of domestic violence and child abuse, and the importance of a faith-community response.
In 2019, we provided Sojourners a $25,000 grant to support the Women and Girls Leading on Faith Initiative. This effort is building a movement of people of faith dedicated to advancing the leadership of women and girls worldwide. Sojourners staff are educating seminaries and faith leaders on domestic and sexual violence, and striving to close the gender gap in church leadership.