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Real estate gift questionnaire

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Real estate information
*Type of property
*How is the title held?
*Is the property subject to any tax deferral program or state or federal farm program?
*Is the property located in a registered historic district or otherwise subject to preservation restrictions, such as easements, liens or restrictions on use?
*Is the property used or occupied by the owner or by a tenant?
*If rental property, is the property subject to rental control or section 8 housing?
*Is the property in violation of any business codes?
*Have you ever had the property appraised?
*How did you acquire the property?
*Is there currently a mortgage on the property?
*Have you taken any depreciation?
*Do you have any of the following?
*Are there any floodplains, wetlands, lakes, drainage ponds, streams, rivers, canals or drainage ditches on the property?
*Are there any boundary issues or do any buildings on your property encroach on the neighboring property?
*Is the property insured?

Environmental questions
*Do you own the property?
*Do you use and occupy the property?
*Is any part of the property or adjoining part now being used or to the best of your knowledge has it ever been used for the following purposes? Please select all that apply.
*Are there now, or have there ever been, any of the following on the property? Please select all that apply.
*Do you know of any environmental assessment or inspection of the property that indicated the presence of hazardous substances, asbestos, PCBs or petroleum products on the property, or contamination of the property that recommended further assessment of property?
*Do you know of any past or present governmental notifications or environmental liens relating to past or recurrent violations of environmental laws?
*Do you know of any past, threatened or pending lawsuits or administrative proceedings concerning a release or threatened release of any hazardous substance or petroleum product involving the property?
*Does the property discharge waste water on, or adjacent to, property other than storm water into a sanitary sewer system?
*Has there ever been a pest infestation including, but not limited to, insects or rodents?
If the person signing is not the party using and occupying the property, the following must be completed: