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Thrivent Portfolio:
Sophisticated investments
made easy
Thrivent’s experienced investment managers build allocations and look for the right opportunities to help the portfolio stay consistent with its objectives. With the Thrivent portfolio you can harmonize your financial and giving goals.

These actively managed funds are made up of stocks and bonds from different sectors, regions and styles—together in a single fund—helping to reduce risk. The funds, each with a different allocation, target various risk-based objectives.
Charitable Investments: Thrivent Portfolio

Learn more about the Thrivent Portfolio

Within the Thrivent Portfolio, there are three fund options: Thrivent Moderately Aggressive Allocation Fund, Thrivent Moderate Allocation Fund, and Thrivent Income Fund.

Watch the video, download the performance summary report
and scroll down for additional information on each option.
Thrivent Moderately Aggressive Allocation Fund
  • 80% Global public equity
  • 20% Fixed income
This actively managed and globally diversified mutual fund is for donors with a long-term investment time horizon of seven years or more and a moderately high risk tolerance. The fund invests across all major equity and fixed income sectors and styles by investing in a combination of other equity and fixed-income funds managed by Thrivent Mutual Funds.
  • Benchmark: 80/20 equity/fixed income
  • Expense ratio: 0.89%
  • Time horizon: 7 or more years
Thrivent Moderate Allocation Fund
  • 65% Global public equity
  • 35% Fixed income
This actively managed and globally diversified fund is for donors with an investment time horizon of five years or more and a moderate risk tolerance. The fund invests across all major equity and fixed-income sectors and styles by investing in a combination of other equity and fixed-income funds managed by Thrivent Mutual Funds.
  • Benchmark: 65/35 equity/fixed income
  • Expense ratio: 0.79%
  • Time horizon: 5 to 7 years
Thrivent Income Fund
  • 100% Fixed income
This actively managed fund invests primarily in investment-grade corporate bonds, government bonds, asset-backed securities and mortgage-backed securities. The fund is for donors with an investment time horizon of three years or more and a moderately conservative risk tolerance.
  • Benchmark: 100% fixed income
  • Expense ratio: 0.46%
  • Time horizon: 3 to 5 years
Donors must itemize deductions to receive a charitable income tax deduction. Charitable giving can result in tax, legal and financial consequences. Thrivent Charitable Impact & Investing® does not provide legal, accounting or tax advice. Consult your attorney or tax professional.

While diversification can help reduce market risk, it does not eliminate it. Diversification does not ensure a profit or protect against loss in a declining market. Investing involves risks, including the possible loss of principal.

Performance results will include Thrivent Charitable administrative fees and may differ from the results of the underlying fund.